I'm lost in my mind... maybe I can find my way out.. *looks around* Hmm.. Now wheres that friggin map?
Published on December 16, 2003 By Mandiwashere In Blogging
So.. this blog-site is impressive... Me likey . Also hello everyone! I'm Mandi... 17 yrs..... crazy LOTR fan . So ya... you'll find out even more about me if ya come to visit alot ^_~ *hint hint.. nudge nudge* So anyway, on with my thoughts, feelings and dreams -.- heh Has anyone noticed that young girls that are like 13 to 15 are dressing like whores? I mean, I saw this show on the channel, Noggin, and theres this little girl, a cheerleader. Which is -not- surprising. She was wearing a little yellow halter and daisy-duke shorts (or so it looked like it). She looked like a friggin Jennifer Lopez or something. I mean, come on. Give me a break! Those shorts would probably rip if she bent over. And that Halter! Its undoubtably amazing, yet strange how media influences people to do or act some way then they normally would. I mean, to go to the store and buy a thong or get that toned bod or something. Its way stupid.. ugh. Don't get me wrong though. There's nothing wrong with showing your womanishly traits lol. But if it looks like your boobs are gonna fall out, then DON'T wear it. God. Oh and I'm done, by the way. Very refreshing sharing my thoughts here . -.Mandi.was.here.
on Dec 16, 2003
You are absolutely right Mandi. There is nothing any worse than to see people exploit themselves especially young girls. If only they could see how foolish they look. People don't tend to see themselves the way others see them. They dress like that because they see themselves as being sexy. Others see them as trashy and lacking upstairs. Won't someone please tell them to wize up?
on Dec 16, 2003
I dont think its the young girls exploiting themselves intetionally... unfortunatly they believe that society wont accept them unless they conform to the Britney/J-Lo image... Society really needs to sit down and have a look at the way it is approaching things at the moment... all you have to do is look at a Tommy Hilfigger add or a Cosmopolitan magasine cover, and people are expected to have a nice bod, beautiful skin, and acting promiscuous is becoming all too acceptable... I dont think it is something we can change though... its just the way everything is going, we dont have to like it, and we can do our best to remain individuals, but that doesn't mean we have to like it!
on Dec 17, 2003
Yeah. Exactly. I think the same way. It is really rough for them. I wish that someone could put their foot down and tell them what they are doing to themselves. Dressing like that. Someone should tell them that they don't have to follow -the image-. Oh and have you seen that commercial with those models on it? I believe they were selling underwear. They were practically nude. They kept showing the word 'sexy' here and there. Its like they were trying to say that you have to buy black lace underwear or you have to look like prostitutes in order to be sexy. When girls see those models with the tans, they are going to look at them and feel self-consious. I wish someone would do something about it.