So.. this blog-site is impressive... Me likey

. Also hello everyone! I'm Mandi... 17 yrs..... crazy LOTR fan

. So ya... you'll find out even more about me if ya come to visit alot ^_~ *hint hint.. nudge nudge* So anyway, on with my thoughts, feelings and dreams -.- heh
Has anyone noticed that young girls that are like 13 to 15 are dressing like whores? I mean, I saw this show on the channel, Noggin, and theres this little girl, a cheerleader. Which is -not- surprising. She was wearing a little yellow halter and daisy-duke shorts (or so it looked like it). She looked like a friggin Jennifer Lopez or something. I mean, come on. Give me a break!
Those shorts would probably rip if she bent over. And that Halter! Its undoubtably amazing, yet strange how media influences people to do or act some way then they normally would. I mean, to go to the store and buy a thong or get that toned bod or something. Its way stupid.. ugh.
Don't get me wrong though. There's nothing wrong with showing your womanishly traits lol. But if it looks like your boobs are gonna fall out, then DON'T wear it. God. Oh and I'm done, by the way. Very refreshing sharing my thoughts here
